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The Framed Infinite
"I believe windows are celebrated in direct proportion to the degree one is conscious of circumscription. For those who live a seemingly free range existence, oblivious of external limits, the windows presence and function is assumed. Simultaneously looked through-- and overlooked. Unregistered as the pattern of curtains in a neighbors home, or the direction of the thieving wind that rifles casual... posted on Sep 06 2023, 2,442 reads


In the Ground of Our Unknowing
While facing the paradoxes and ambiguities of the pandemic, writer David Abram stumbled upon "beauty in the midst of shuddering terror. As we're isolated in this uncertain time," he writes, "we can turn to the more-than-human world to empower our empathy for each other."... posted on Sep 05 2023, 1,555 reads


Conspiracy of Goodness
Many times throughout history there have been silent movements of goodness that have made a significant impact on humanity. Perhaps we are on the verge of the greatest one yet, and the only thing stopping it is what's under your fingers! Dr. Lynda Ulrich, a dentist turned social innovator, is the founder of Ever Widening Circles (EWC), a positive media company on a mission to prove that in spite o... posted on Sep 04 2023, 2,281 reads


The River of Silence
"Death, whether our own or others, can be a powerful gateway to complete tenderness. The confrontation with the impermanence of all things is perhaps the widest gate to liberation from suffering. Facing death or dealing with death, our sight becomes clear. "Priorities and omissions are etched in a merciless light," as Audre Lorde wrote. Given the sheer quantity of death around us, why not use this... posted on Sep 03 2023, 2,144 reads


The Syntax of Sedimentation
"Susan Tichy's recent collection of poems, North | Rock | Edge: Shetland 2017/2019, distills somatic observations down their bones. Tichy describes an immersive, granular experience exploring the contours, rocks, winds, and waters of Shetland, a remote northern archipelago between Scotland, the Faroe Islands, and Norway. In isolated yet accumulative images and line breaks, she details the distance... posted on Sep 02 2023, 1,062 reads


Albert Camus on Writing, Creativity and Stubborness
"Three years after he became the second-youngest laureate of the Nobel Prize, awarded him for literature that "with clear-sighted earnestness illuminates the problems of the human conscience," Albert Camus (November 7, 1913January 4, 1960) died in a car crash with an unused train ticket to the same destination in his pocket. The writings he left behind -- about the key to strength of character, ab... posted on Sep 01 2023, 3,362 reads


Care is the Only Useful Revolution
"(It was the word only that gave me pause.)

Hyperbole is a figure of speech meant to give emphasis through the use of exaggeration. It can give what we say an importance and immediacy.
Words like, "always," "forever," "never," and "only" are often used in hyperbolic statements..."
More from hip-hop artist MOsley WOtta in this beautiful piece.... posted on Aug 31 2023, 1,783 reads


Is Our Attention for Sale?
"Even though the internet and the world wide web were designed to decentralize information, our attention is increasingly and calculatedly controlled by a small number of sources whose sole aim is make money from where we place our attention. Learn why the "attention economy" demand our active resistance."... posted on Aug 30 2023, 1,831 reads


The Life Cycle of a Feather
"All creatures spirit me away from my thoughts into the real and present world. Because birds fly, they don't need to be unnoticeable and hide like mice do, so I, like most birders, notice them. The first time I really observed feathers was when I was twelve years old entranced by the flamingos at the Seattle Zoo. When I saw them shed orange/pink feathers on the ground and floating in their pond, ... posted on Aug 29 2023, 1,656 reads


Lissa Rankin: Sacred Medicine & The Mysteries of Healing
"I write a lot in Sacred Medicine about the paradoxes of healing and one of them is to be clear in your intention to heal, to do whatever's in your power to change your life, and go for it. And don't be passive, make it happen. Let go of attachment to outcomes, surrender to what is, accept the limitations that sometimes we're limited, we're not limitless. Sometimes just being able to accept those ... posted on Aug 28 2023, 3,435 reads


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If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.
Rudyard Kipling

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